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Hotel Cat
Downlands Farm, Linnies Lane, Sway, New Forest,
Hampshire SO41 6ES

Contact: Jackie Ferrier
Phone: 01590 681117

Hotel Cat
Guests Gallery

21 to 22 of 22 Guests

9th Aug 2014

Pixie's First Visit

Pixie is an adorable little girl. She had never stayed away from home before and we were amazed how quickly she settled in. She was so affectionate and we are really looking forward to her coming back in again soon.

4th Aug 2014

Our First Beautiful Guest, Tallulah The Stunning Burmese

Tallulah was a wonderful first guest in our new cat hotel. She settled straight in and was adored by our whole family. Burmese are very sociable cats and Tallulah was true to type! She loved all the fuss, cuddles and games that she had during her stay and her Mum said she was very chilled and unstressed when she went home - this is a great sign of a relaxing stay.



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